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Louisiana Safe Haven - For Care Providers

Louisiana is a Safe Haven State

The most difficult aspect of implementing Louisiana's Safe Haven law is making sure both parents and caregivers at designated emergency care facilities know about the law and what to do to enact it.

For employees of designated emergency care facilities:

For Parents:

  1. Go to the nearest Safe Haven facility. A listing of all sites can be found at
  2. Give the baby to an employee at the facility. If there is no employee present at the site, the parent can contact 911. Parents should state that they want to utilize the Safe Haven Law.
  3. If a parent is unable to travel to a Safe Haven facility, he or she may call 911, and a law enforcement officer, fireman and/or EMS provider will be dispatched, confirm the Safe Haven Relinquishment and transport the newborn to a hospital.
  4. An employee of the facility or the dispatched emergency responder will offer the parent a card with a toll-free number, 1-855- 4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437), to call if the parent wants to give medical information about the baby or learn about their parental rights. 
  • Posters and Brochures - Posters, brochures, and cards to give to parents using Safe Haven are available.
  • English Brochures

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