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Report Child Abuse & NeglectKinship Navigator - Louisiana 211 Informaton

DCFS Partners with Louisiana 211 to Provide Information about Resources, Services to Kinship Caregivers
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is partnering with Louisiana 211 to provide kinship caregivers easy access to information about resources and services available to help them and their families.
Grandparents, other relatives and "fictive kin" – those who are like family but not actually related to the children in their care – can dial 211 or text KINSHIPLA to 898-211, anytime 24/7, to find out about resources available in their area. Callers should identify themselves as providing care for a relative or fictive kin child and share what their needs are. All calls are toll-free and confidential, and language translation services are available.