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Report Child Abuse & NeglectQPI Resources
QPI Partnership Plan
The purpose of this partnership plan is to confirm our mutual commitment to children and teens through a common understanding of the values, principles, and practices we will uphold in fulfilling our responsibilities to children and teens in the care and custody of the State of Louisiana.
Code of Ethics for Foster Parents
The Code of Ethics is a public statement by the National Foster Parent Association that sets clear expectations and principles to articulate basic values and to guide practice.
QPI Talking Points
Use the talking points to explain and promote QPI Louisiana in your community.
Role Cards
QPI Role Cards were created to provide staff and caregivers with concise and action-oriented examples of practices, which when implemented daily, would reflect the principles and philosophy of quality parenting. The role cards are intended to serve as ready reminder that even a few core child welfare practices, when implemented consistently, can have significant influence with parents, caregivers and community stakeholders.
The role cards also convey the expectations that as a more advanced professional practice, QPI is the incorporation of the philosophy and principles of QPI, not just meeting attendance or use of forms developed from workgroups.
Role Cards should be distributed and reviewed with frontline staff, supervisor, manager and clerical support staff and foster caregivers.
- Adoptions
- Child Protective Services
- Clerical Support Staff
- Foster Care
- Foster & Kinship Caregivers
- Family Services
- Home Development
Additional Internet Resources
- - Information and resources on multiple aspects of quality parenting and implementation of QPI across states.
- - Information on supports to foster and adoptive parents, working with birth families, etc.
- - An interactive website which provides language guide, resource directory and helpline regarding services for children and families in LA.
- - Center for Parent Information and Resources - specifically related to foster care including children with special needs and disabilities.
- - Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) focusing on understanding trauma and the impact on children.
- - Educational resource information.
- - National Child Traumatic Stress Network - information regarding trauma, understanding physical, sexual abuse, understanding birth parent trauma and types of therapy most recommended.
- - Information on adopting from foster care.
- - AdoptUSKids is a project of the US Children's Bureau that provides tools and technical assistance to help child welfare systems connect children in foster care with families.
- - Contact your regional DCFS office for information on local visit coaching and parenting.
- - Call833-LA-CHILD to reach the Louisiana Parentline, which provides emotional support for parents as well as parenting resources 24/7 statewide .
- - Families Helping Families provides a network of resources, support, and services to families of individuals with disabilities and contact information for each region.