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Report Child Abuse & NeglectKinship Navigator

The Kinship Navigator Program (KNP) serves as an information and referral network for kinship caregivers who are providing full-time care to children other than their own. Kinship caregivers may be relatives, grandparents, and other fictive kin serving as caregivers to children whose parents are unable to do so.
Kinship caregivers often step in to provide needed care and safety to children, preventing the need for foster care intervention services. Whether their custodial kinship arrangement is formal or informal, kinship caregivers face unique challenges and needs that are different from any they have previously experienced.
Resources for Kinship Caregivers
The Louisiana Kinship Navigator Program focus assists kinship caregivers in locating resources and supports that:
- Enable them to continue providing care to relative children in their homes, thereby reducing or preventing child maltreatment of those children and preventing placement disruption and /or entry into state foster care system; and
- Improve both child and caregiver well-being.
Children who are unable to receive safe, nurturing care from their own parents can achieve greater stability and a sense of belonging when cared for by individuals with whom they share a trusting, long-term relationship or connection. This can best be accomplished locally, in communities where the entire kinship family lives, works and has connections.
In an effort to expand its services and resource directory, the Kinship Navigator Program is inviting community partners, faith-based organizations, and other community organizations to play a role in supporting kinship families. Contact us for more information about becoming a Kinship Navigator partner.
Louisiana Kinship Navigator
Legal and Custodial Information Guide
The Louisiana Kinship Navigator contains all the information provided on our Kinship Care webpages. Download the navigator for offline use.
For additional assistance or more information on the Kinship Navigator Program, email:
Louisiana 211 | |
LA has partnered with 211 – a toll free access number providing kinship caregivers information regarding resources in their communities to assist them and their families in providing care to relative children residing in their home. Grandparents, relative and fictive kin providing care can call 211, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and receive information on resources in their area. |