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Assistance Eligibility Verification

Verification is proof of the information you report on your Application for Assistance.
The following table lists the information that must be verified by each program and the examples of the proof that is required. Let your worker know if you have any questions about what you must provide or if you need help in getting the proof. It is our responsibility to help you get the proof that you need.


What Must be Verified and Examples of Proof? SNAP FITAP
Identity – driver’s license, work or school ID, ID for health benefits or another social services program, voter’s registration card, check stub, or birth certificate. X    
Age/Relationship - birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or hospital birth records of the person to be included. If not your own child, birth records to prove how the child is related to you.   X X
Alien status - if not a U.S. citizen, forms or cards from USCIS that prove the person is a legal alien (unless you choose not to apply for this person) X X X
Wages - last 4 pay check stubs or employer’s statement for each person who works. X X X
Self-employment - income tax returns, sales records, quarterly tax records, personal wage record X X X
Other income such as contributions, child support, alimony, Social Security, SSI, VA, retirement checks, Unemployment Compensation (UCB) - award letters, court orders, statements from contributors X X X
Income that stopped within the last 3 months – pink slip, termination notice, or statement from former employer, termination notice or statement from source of any income that ended X X X
Medical expenses - receipts, pharmacy printouts for last 3 months, doctor bills or other papers that show medical expenses for household members who are disabled or over age 59. X    
Child support payments made to someone outside your home - court order or other legal papers and proof that you are making payments such as cancelled checks or wage withholding statements. X    
Immunization - shot, school, or doctor’s records.   X X
Custody - court order, other legal papers, or provisional custody by mandate     X
Home - proof of who lives in the home; such as current school records, landlord’s written statement or the name and phone number of two people (not related to you) who know your situation.   X X


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