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14 Deadbeat Parents Top List of DCFS's Most Wanted


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BATON ROUGE - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) today released the 2015 Louisiana Child Support Most Wanted poster. It features the names and photos of 14 non-custodial parents who owe nearly half a million dollars in past-due child support.

Each of these non-custodial parents has not paid child support in at least six months. The poster includes each non-custodial parent's last known address, number of children and how much they owe.

"DCFS and Louisiana's District Attorneys work tirelessly to collect the child support owed to the children of our state," said DCFS Secretary Suzy Sonnier. "Though we continue to increase the amount of child support we collect each year, even earning commendation from federal officials last year, we have non-custodial parents who continue to neglect their responsibility to their children."

The largest sum owed by a 2015 "Most Wanted" individual is $79,889.56. It is owed by Edward Steven Fields, a 40-year-old professional mover who is last known to live in Slidell.

All of the "Most Wanted" making the list ranked by amount owed*:

  • $79,889.56 - Edward Steven Fields, 40 years old, last known living in Slidell
  • $73,625.41 - Ervin Dwayne Rachal Jr., 51 years old, last known living in Shreveport
  • $47,714.40 - Tony Alford, 38 years old, last known living in Hammond
  • $40,249.93 - Darrell William Dellafosse, 39 years old, last known living in Ponchatoula
  • $37,510.32 - Ronald Eugene Hinton, 43 years old, last known living in Chattanooga, TN
  • $35,366.67 - Thomas James Pam, 38 years old, last known living in Mandeville
  • $21,936.47 - Stanley Donnell Jenkins, 49 years old, last known living in Franklinton
  • $18,400.00 - Fred John Domingo Jr., 41 years old, last known living in Chalmette
  • $17,850.00 - Jason Alan Fairchild, 35 years old, last known living in Galveston, TX
  • $14,392.25 - Daniel James Klare, 43 years old, last known living in Shreveport
  • $14,204.08 - Floyd Norman Cooksey, 40 years old, last known living in Albuquerque, NM
  • $12,565.09 - Anna Marie Fontenot, 34 years old, last known living in Madison, TN
  • $12,439.75 - Jeffrey Michael Henderson, 43 years old, last known living in Keithville
  • $11,182.47 - Angela Chapman, 33 years old, last known living in Holden

"We take every opportunity we can to collect child support," said Sonnier. "It is the duty of a non-custodial parent to provide for his or her children. Child support pays for the daily, essential needs of children, like food, clothing and shelter."

Although the Most Wanted poster represents the worst offenders, more than 58,000 non-custodial parents owe more than $1.5 billion in unpaid child support to Louisiana children.

DCFS was recently commended for exceptional child support collections in Federal Fiscal Year 2014. The department distributed $394,004,210 in child support collections, an increase of 1.4 percent from the previous year. That is approximately $5.5 million in additional distributions to custodial parents and children.

One tool DCFS utilizes to collect back-owed child support is the Casino Intercept Program. The program, which now has 20 participating casinos, has collected more than $2.5 million in arrears from non-custodial parents since launching in September 2011.

DCFS Child Support Enforcement offers custodial parents several resources, including parent locator services, paternity establishment, establishment of child support orders, enforcement of orders, and collection and distribution of child support.

Failure to pay court-ordered child support can result in liens against the non-payor's property, seizure of assets, suspension of drivers, business, professional, hunting or fishing licenses, interception of state and federal tax returns, passport denial and contempt of court charges, among other enforcement actions.

Members of the public who have information on the whereabouts of any person on DCFS' "Most Wanted" poster should notify authorities or call 1-888-LAHELP-U (1-888-524-3578) and choose Child Support (option 1) and then option 5.

*As of November 3, 2014, the amounts may differ from the poster as some past due amounts may have been partially paid by the non-custodial delinquent parent. Additional amounts may have been added to others since the publication of the poster.

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