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Additional Resources For You

General Services 



211 links callers to vital health and human service information in their area. This service can be used to gain information regarding basic necessities like local clothing, food, and shelter available or information regarding employment needs. Learn More

  • Dial 211 or Text your ZIP Code to 898-211. Learn more

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Information Center 

Louisiana Grandparents Raising Grandchildren is an organization dedicated to offering both information and support to grandparent and other kinship caregivers and their families. Learn More

Community and Family Support (CFS) System 

Community and Family Support (CFS) offers a wide range of services to families with disabled children and/or adults, including developmental disability services, behavioral health, aging and adult care, etc. Learn More

Volunteers of America 

Volunteers of America (VOA) offers several programs including housing, behavioral and mental health, community outreach services, etc. Learn More

Child Passenger Safety

Child Passenger Safety Fitting Stations may be found statewide with over 600 nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians available to make sure your child's safety seats are installed properly. Proper use and proper installation of child safety seats could be the difference between life and death in the event of a crash.  

Financial Assistance 


Family Independence Temporary Assistance (FITAP)

The Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP) offers financial assistance when a family's financial resources are incapable of fulfilling basic needs. FITAP's purpose is to promote job preparation and employment in order to reduce long-term dependency on welfare support. Learn More

Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP)

The Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP) provides cash assistance of $450 per month for each eligible child who lives with a qualified relative other than a parent. Learn More

Child Support

The Child Support program works with parents to provide emotional, financial, and medical support for their child or children. DCFS offers parent locator and paternity establishment services, as well as assistance to establish and enforce child support orders and collection and distribution of child support payments. Learn More

Disability Determination Services

Disability Determination Services (DDS) is the state agency responsible for determining if individuals are disabled within the Title II/XVI requirements. All disability benefits are 100% federally funded. Learn More

Unemployment Insurance

Louisiana Unemployment Insurance supplies temporary financial assistance to workers who are laid off or furloughed due to circumstances beyond their control. Learn More

Food Assistance


Statewide and Community Feeding Programs 

Click here to view and download information about feeding programs in Louisiana (pdf).

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits that help eligible low-income households buy the food they need for good health. Learn More

WIC (Women, Infant, and Children)

WIC protects the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to the age of five. WIC provides nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding assistance, and referrals to other health and social services. Learn More

WIC Estimator

The WIC PreScreening Tool assists applicants in determining whether or not they are potentially eligible to receive WIC benefits. This PreScreening Tool is not an application for WIC benefits. Learn More

Feeding Louisiana

Feeding Louisiana, the Louisiana Food Bank Association, supports the collaborative efforts of the state’s five regional food banks located in Alexandria, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Monroe, and Shreveport. These member food banks serve all 64 parishes, partnering with more than 900 community and faith-based organizations to distribute millions of pounds of food throughout the state each year. Learn More

School Breakfast and Lunch Program

This school meals program provides breakfast and lunch for free or at a reduced cost to children at public and private schools. Learn More

Summer Food Service (SFSP)

When school is not in session, the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that low-income children continue to get nutritional meals. At authorized SFSP locations in regions with high concentrations of low-income children, all children 18 years old and under get free nutritious meals and snacks that satisfy Federal nutrition requirements. Learn More

Greaux the Good

Greaux the Good, Louisiana's new statewide nutrition incentive program, operated by Market Umbrella, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Greaux the Good gives Louisiana direct-to-consumer food purveyors (such as farmers, farmers markets, farm stands, and CSA boxes) the opportunity to create or expand a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) nutrition incentive program. Locate one of the Greaux the Good Partner Markets throught the state of Louisiana. Learn More 

Market Match for SNAP (NOLA)

At Crescent City Farmers Markets: First, purchase wooden tokens from the Market’s Welcome Tent with your Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. EBT tokens can be used to purchase any item at the market that you’d normally swipe your EBT card for in a store. Through Market Match, the Market will match each EBT dollar you spend, dollar for dollar, with additional tokens that can be used to purchase fruits, vegetables, and even food-bearing plant starts!

Market Umbrella extends Market Match to most major food benefit programs, including FMNP, SNAP, and WIC. Learn More

Click here to learn how to become a Greaux the Good Partner. Farmers Markets are steadily increasing throughout the state of Louisiana but Greaux the Good is available for more than just Farmes Markets! 

Catholic Charities Food Program

Food for Seniors provides monthly nutritional food boxes to seniors who are 60 years old or older and meet Federal Income Guidelines. Learn More

Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Training (VIET)

Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Training (VIET), located in Orleans Parish, serves as an Approved Application Center for SNAP, FITAP and Kinship Care Subsidy Progam benefits, and participates in food distribution programs. VIET provides a variety economic and educational resources for non-English speaking and underserved communities in Louisiana. Learn More 

Housing Assistance


Louisiana Housing Corporation

The Louisiana Housing Corporation’s mission is to ensure that every Louisiana resident is granted an opportunity to obtain safe, affordable, energy-efficient housing. Learn More

Multi-Family Housing Rental Assistance

This program will make payments on your behalf if you live in new or existing Rural Rental Housing or Farm Labor Housing-financed property. This program may be available to low- and very-low-income families. Learn More

Single-Family Housing Repair Loans and Grants

This program helps low-income homeowners improve their present living circumstances by providing loans and grants. Homeowners can use these resources for home repairs, renovations, or to address health hazards. Learn More

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

Under this program, the federal government provides rental assistance to low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled. Participants are able to obtain their own housing, including single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments, since housing aid is given on behalf of the family or person. Learn More

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) offers payments to states, territories, and some Indian tribes to enhance the energy efficiency of low-income families' houses. These governments, in turn, work with local governments and charity organizations to provide weatherization services to people in need, utilizing cutting-edge home energy-saving solutions. Learn More

Medical Assistance


LaCHIP Program

Under this program, the federal government provides rental assistance to low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled. Participants are able to obtain their own housing, including single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments, since housing aid is given on behalf of the family or person. Learn More

Medicaid Program

Louisiana citizens who satisfy the specific income and resource criteria specified by Congress can get medical care for their families through the Louisiana Medicaid Program, a federally sponsored program. Learn More

Disability Determination Services

Disability Determination Services (DDS) is the state agency responsible for determining if individuals are disabled within the Title II/XVI requirements. All disability benefits are 100% federally funded. Learn More

Louisiana Department of Health

The mission of the Louisiana Department of Health is to protect and promote health and to ensure access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana. Learn More

Utility Services


Entergy Bill Assistance

For eligible customers, Entergy Louisiana has partnered with organizations across the state to offer two programs for bill payment assistance, The Power to Care and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). More information about LIHEAP can also be found belowLearn More


The Lifeline program offers qualified low-income consumers a discount on phone service to ensure that all Americans have access to the opportunities and securities phone service brings, like the ability to connect to jobs, family, and emergency services. Learn More

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally financed program that assists low-income families with their home energy costs. Bill payment assistance and/or energy crisis aid may be available through the LIHEAP program. Learn More

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