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Home Page News
Texas Calls Harvey Survivors to Come Back Home
September 05, 2017
9.5.2017 - Texas survivors of Hurricane Harvey staying in Louisiana shelters began their road to recovery Tuesday, as the two states partnered to transport the survivors to a shelter in Dallas.
Phone Lines Set Up for Texas Families Trying to Locate Harvey Survivors in Louisiana's State Shelters
September 02, 2017
9.2.2017 - The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has set up a phone bank for Texas families trying to locate loved ones evacuated after Hurricane Harvey to state-run shelters in Louisiana.
Jewella Shelter in Shreveport Opened to Take in Texas Survivors of Harvey
September 01, 2017
9.1.2017 - The Jewella shelter in Shreveport opened to begin taking in Texas survivors of Harvey. The shelter is staffed by the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Donations Center Established in Alexandria for Texas Survivors of Harvey
August 31, 2017
08.31.17 - United Way of Central Louisiana has set up a donation center at the Kress Theatre in Alexandria to accept new clothing for Texas survivors of Harvey staying in the Alexandria mega-shelter.
State Opens Alexandria Mega-shelter for Texas Harvey Survivors
August 30, 2017
08.30.17 - The Alexandria mega-shelter opened to take in Texas survivors from Tropical Storm Harvey. The shelter is staffed by the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Office Closures
August 27, 2017
Check here for the latest DCFS advisories regarding office closures.
Louisiana Parents Paid $530,000 in Child Support through MoneyGram in First 6 Months of 2017
August 17, 2017
08.17.17 - Parents who pay child support through the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services are increasingly finding MoneyGram a convenient way to make their payments. Participation has grown dramatically each month since DCFS aligned with the money transfer company in late 2016 to allow parents to electronically send payments to DCFS for transfer to custodial parents.
First Lady Donna Edwards Launches Initiative Connecting Foster Parents with Community Supports
August 11, 2017
08.11.17 - First Lady Donna Edwards is launching a new initiative to connect foster parents with the support systems they need in their communities. This statewide campaign will link government, faith groups, nonprofit organizations, businesses and community members to create a united network of support for Louisiana's foster care system.
Effects of Disasters on Women and Children will be Focus of Essence Festival Panel Discussion
June 30, 2017
6.30.17 - Ricks will discuss child homelessness, trauma and how our communities can prepare for future disasters with the panel, which will take place Saturday, July 1, at 1:10-1:25 p.m., on the Empowerment Experience stage at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans.
DCFS Warns of Safety Risks Associated with Summer Holidays
June 28, 2017
6.28.17 - Fireworks and swimming, both common summertime activities, pose safety risks for young children in particular.